Registration links

Register to all meetings of ITU Council Working Groups and Expert Groups (30 Sept. – 11 Oct. 2024)
(except for IEG-WTPF) (See circular letter CL-24/43)
Link accessible to the membership categories “Member States” “Resolution 99” or “Sector Members”:

Register here!

Register to the CWG-COP meeting only (30 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2024)
Link accessible to COP experts, that are non-ITU members / not from the above-mentioned membership categories:

Register here!

Register to the Open consultation of the CWG-Internet only (3 Oct. 2024)
Link accessible to Stakeholders, that are non-ITU members / not from the above-mentioned membership categories:

Register here!

Registration for the Informal expert group on WTPF (IEG-WTPF) (7-8 Oct. 2024)
The registration link will be sent directly and only to nominated experts
(See details for nomination of Experts in the circular letter CL-24/44)

Registration form for the Expert Group on Decision 482 (EG-DEC482) (4-5 Nov. 2024)
Link accessible to the membership categories “Member States” “Resolution 99” or “Sector Members”:

Register here!

Click here to go back to the main webpage of the Council Working Groups and Expert Groups.
Click here to go back to the ITU Council-24 homepage.

Registration guidelines

Registration is carried out individually and exclusively online by each participant, whether for onsite or remote participation. Registration requests will be approved online by the Registration Focal Points (RFP) of entities/organizations entitled to participate in the selected meeting(s), or by the ITU registration team when events are open to non-ITU Members.

To access the registration form, each participant must have an ITU user account.
Information on the creation of an ITU User Account, and access to TIES services (for ITU membership only), as well as useful information for focal points, can be found below.
Visa assistance, when applicable, must be requested online via the registration form.
Circular letters related to invitations to Council sessions or Council working group meetings can be found here.
Any questions? Contact us at


The badging opening hours will be confirmed at a later stage but a draft schedule is available below.
Please note: you must present a photo ID card or passport to collect your event badge.

Badging desk opening hours

Friday, 27 September (p.m.)14:00 – 17:00 hours
Monday, 30 Sept. to Friday, 11 Oct. 202408:30 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 17:00 hours
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays
Monday, 4 to Tuesday, 5 Nov. 202408:30 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 17:00 hours